Sunday, July 29, 2007
yard work
Yesterday was a yard work kind of day. It was 80% chance of rain but I guess I live in the 20% of the area where it didn't rain because we certainly didn't have any.

Anyhow, I did one of my LEAST favorite yard chores yesterday, and it's one of those twice a year jobs. I don't remember if I'm late with the spring one or early with the fall one... or maybe I'm getting an "extra" because we've had so much rain this year?! I have English ivy near the front door of my house that grows up the wall. It's beautiful. But it's hard to keep under control. If not kept under control, it grows up onto the roof, into the gutters, into the storm blinds (which means they won't close... NOT good during hurricane season) and obscures the mail slot, among other things. I also had to remove some that had decided to grow under the front door and into the house! The job requires borrowing my neighbors' 16' extension ladder as I am 5'2". It's hard for me to even carry the darn thing and I DEFINITELY don't like being up on it!

But now... after about 3 hours of prying, cutting and pulling, the ivy has been wrestled back under control! I'm good for at least until the fall. Two large black garbage bags full of the stuff.

I weeded another flower bed too, while I was at it, and that looks much better. I need to trim the bottom fronds from my palm tree... maybe I can do that today.

An island girl's yardwork seems to never end... and I love (almost) every minute of it!


posted by Lisa @ 6:55 AM   1 comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
gone home
Journey to ???
posted by Lisa @ 4:45 PM   2 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
It's the best one yet! I finished it about 30 minutes ago. :-)

Now looking forward to The Half-Blood Prince movie!
posted by Lisa @ 4:43 PM   1 comments
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I am sitting on my couch in my living room, with my laptop, posting this over my newly installed WIRELESS network!! Woo hoo!! This is just too cool. I love it. Now I can haul my laptop anywhere in my house that I might want to be.

The only thing I don't have sorted out is how to connect my printer. There must be an adapter, so the next time I go to Target, I will check it out.

Yogi is going to love this too, because now he can sit beside me (his very favorite place in the whole world to be) while I'm on the 'puter. He has a little doggie bed next to my computer cabinet but he didn't particularly like that arrangement.

The wireless router cost $70 and I don't know why I didn't do this a long time ago. Well... actually I do. I thought it was going to be a pain to set up. It so wasn't! It was extremely easy and took about 10 minutes. Good grief. If I'd only known...

But I'm loving it now.

No mail yet... still on HP watch. Hurry up, mailman!
posted by Lisa @ 12:29 PM   5 comments
Friday, July 20, 2007
rainy day
It's a rainy day on the island. Again. We've had rain most days this week. Not all day... just part of the day. I love it when the weather is like this in the summer because it keeps things cooled off a bit and everything is lush and green.

My lawn service might not like it so much! I doubt cutting this very thick St. Augustine when it is 6" tall as opposed to the usual 3" is much fun!

TOMORROW is Harry Potter day!! And if it is rainy like today, that just gives me the perfect excuse to sit home and READ ALL DAY. I just read in a magazine this morning that Universal Studios is opening a 20 acre Harry Potter themed park in Orlando in 2009. Cool, huh? I will definitely be checking that out. I've actually never been to Universal Studios because I love WDW so much, but the Harry Potter theme will be adequate incentive to get me over there!

posted by Lisa @ 11:32 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
one more Rachel story
OK, I'll give you a break on the Rachel stories after this. But you have to hear this one, because it's one of my very favorite ones.

I had this gorgeous hunk of a boyfriend named John when I was in about my second and third years of medical school. Over 6' tall, brown hair, brown eyes, drop dead gorgeous with a great body. Unfortunately, he was also an ass a good part of the time. And eventually we broke up when I got tired of his crap.

Fast forward two years to my first year of residency. Rachel's mom was a nurse in our clinic and I adored her. Rachel worked part time in the front office (college student), so I knew who she was but didn't know her well at all. One night, I ran into Rachel at the bar. This would be the bar I mentioned previously, where my friend Steve was a bartender during law school. Anyhow, Rachel was across the way, standing by herself. I walked over to say hi to her. Shortly after, John reappeared (from the restroom, I think) and I found out they'd come together on a date. I knew they were dating and this was not an issue for me. But some other girl John was also dating was in the bar too and Rachel ended up getting pissed off at John and asked me for a ride home.

The rest was... as they say... history. We both ditched John but kept each other! And we were INSEPARABLE for many years thereafter. We used to love telling that story together! (John hated us telling that story together. ;-p)
posted by Lisa @ 2:16 PM   1 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This is me (left) and Rachel (right) with our friend Steve on the day he graduated from law school.
Dontcha just LOVE those glasses?! Not sure why we were wearing glasses that day because 99% of the time we wore contacts back then.
I always thought Steve was a cutie-pie but he had eyes only for Rach and she wasn't interested. Steve was our favorite bartender at our favorite bar. We spent WAY TOO MUCH time there in those days. Enough that Steve kept my inhaler (asthma) in his cash register, because the cigarette smoke always caused me problems.
Soooooo.... does anybody else have middle-of-the-night roommate stories to share? We're off to a good start here. :-) (See comments in previous post.)
posted by Lisa @ 6:27 PM   5 comments
Warning... goofy post
Have you guys ever heard of Jose Jalapeno... on-a-steek? I was thinking about this recently because I bought my Dad one of Jeff Dunham's videos for his birthday. Actually, I bought one for myself too and watched it... it's not quite as funny as I fondly remembered it, but still pretty funny.

The best part of the story is the back-story. When I was in residency, my roommate's name was Rachel. We had this great apartment with floor-to-ceiling plate glass windows in the living room that opened onto a balcony. Two bedrooms, right next to each other and the bathroom was so small that only two people who REALLY get along well could possibly share it. But we were so tight we could easily finish each other's sentences. Or know what the other was thinking without saying a word. Really. People who didn't know better always thought we were sisters but our connection was more like identical twins.

Anyhow... here's the Jose story. One night I'm in bed, sleeping peacefully. Rachel had been out and about (probably with one of her boyfriends, but the unimportant details escape me now) and later came home and was watching some late show, after the news. This comedian (Jeff Dunham) was on. Rachel thought he was so hilarious that she CAME AND WOKE ME UP to come watch. Anyone who knows me will know this is not a good idea. I tried the "NO, GO AWAY" and various other leave-me-alone techniques to no avail. Eventually I got up. And she was right. In that moment, Jose Jalapeno on-a-steek, shared with my BFF in the grogginess of having slept about two hours was truly HYSTERICAL. We laughed until I thought my face would break.

Can't beat that... good times with good friends.

WARNING! Jeff's show is pretty totally culturally inappropriate and the language is definitely R-rated. Now you've been warned, so check it out at your own discretion and NOT in the vicinity of children!
posted by Lisa @ 6:46 AM   4 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
little bit of paradise
Here is one of my favorite little bits of paradise. Wishing more than anything (well, almost anything) to be there right now. Adult beverages wouldn't be out of line either. I haven't had a single one since "before". But I have to work tomorrow and don't want to have to deal with that with a hangover, so no adult beverages for me tonight. No promises about the weekend though. Now that I think about it... my boss is throwing a party at the Yacht Club on Saturday with open bar, so there will NO DOUBT be adult beverages in my future.
posted by Lisa @ 4:56 PM   5 comments
New Digs
Not sure at the moment what I'm going to do here. But I needed a break from my other blog. This is probably (maybe?) temporary, but I don't know yet. If you're interested in following along as I try to figure it out, this is the place.
posted by Lisa @ 1:57 PM   7 comments
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